Gameplay Overview

In Cardio Quest your Hero has 6 spell slots for you to customize. The first 4 slots are the player’s basic rotation and consist of Primary, Defense, Special, and Ultimate.

A hero’s energy bar fills on a consistent tick adjusted by the user’s Heart Rate. If a user’s energy bar fills past the threshold of the next spell in their rotation, that spell now enters the rotation and the energy bar continues to fill. If the current spell is the last in the rotation or the next spell is not reached the rotation restarts. If a user reaches their Ultimate Spell, all excess energy is converted into a “Berzerking” buff ranging from 1-50% extra damage for 15 seconds. A full rotation lasts 15 seconds.

The larger spells to the left and right of the spell rotation bar are the Power Up, and Heal spells. These spells are unique because they fill over a much longer timespan. Your Power Up fills at a rate of between 1.5 min - 3 min and can bet set to auto-cast when filled. Your Heal spell fills much slower at a rate of between 3 min - 6 min. When set to auto-cast your Heal will cast if you drop below 50% health.


An Introduction to Cardio Quest


Starting a Workout